Personal Coaching Mantra: “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall

Jill’s diverse 25+ years in health care has made her a “Jill-of-all-trades”. She has held roles in leadership, education, mentorship, special projects, compliance, quality improvement – and the thing she keeps coming back to is coaching others. If you were to talk to her colleagues, they would say Jill provides the space for individuals and teams to thrive through curiosity, strong collaboration and a values-based approach.

Jill has worked through intense professional situations over the years, but has also experienced the most inspiring teams, individuals and amazing wins. Her journey has sparked a deep desire to support others while leading with compassion. Jill will ask you to stretch while providing a safe space for you to explore your edges.

Jill understands from personal experience that coaching is transformational and she is a champion for personal growth. Coaching is a catalyst for unlocking your energy and vision – If you can imagine it, Jill can help you achieve it!

Coaching Style:

  • Listens deeply to understand what motivates you and asks you powerful questions to challenge you to reflect deeply.
  • Warm and compassionate approach that facilitates trust
  • Encourages courageous thinking and conversation
  • A strong believer in integrity, professionalism and the power of relationships
  • Likes to share a few laughs along the way!

Coaching expertise:

Building on my real-life experience working as an operational leader, my areas of focus are:

  • Team development
  • Leadership development
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Change Management
  • Quality Improvement – test-of-change cycles, root cause analysis, failure modes effects analysis, lean consulting/A3 thinking, compliance and evaluation